If you’re thinking of starting a business blog, you’re probably wondering, “Will it work?”
Are business blogs worth it? Maybe you’ve heard success stories of businesses that used blogs to increase their sales and improve their brand. Maybe you’ve heard how online business has become social, so you need to start a blog to join the conversation.
But still, you’re wondering, “Will it work for me? Will it work for my business?”
In my experience and research, I’ve found five characteristics that successful business blogs share in common. I believe if you have these five characteristics, your blog will have a great chance of succeeding.
1) Passion
Are you passionate about your industry? In a social environment like the internet, passionate bloggers attract the biggest crowds.
If you love your industry, that will come through in your blogging. Your passion will attract other people who love your industry. These people will become your evangelists. They will tell others about your blog and your blog will grow through word of mouth.
However, if you don’t have that passion, if you’re blogging strictly to increase sales instead of blogging to add value to your industry, people will sense your selfishness and lack of passion. They’ll visit other blogs instead of yours.
2) Knowledge
You don’t have to be the world’s foremost expert in your industry. But you do need to know more than the average person that’s interested in your industry.
Fortunately, you can take time to do research to increase your knowledge.
3) Focus on readers
Successful bloggers understand their readers. Instead of blogging about topics they find interesting, these bloggers are always asking questions like:
What would my readers find interesting?
What would they find useful?
What topics would entertain them?
What are their most common questions?
You can be more focused on your readers by going to places where they hang out (like forums and other blogs) and observing their interactions.
4) Consistency
If you keep your blog regularly updated, you will have a steady stream of traffic. Your readers will be like avid magazine readers. They will visit your blog regularly in anticipation of your newest post.
5) Patience
Successful blogs don’t happen overnight. There is definitely a sowing period for most business blogs where you won’t have much traffic or comments. However, if you’re patient, you’ll reap great rewards.
Business blogging is like building a reputation in real life.  It takes time to build a reputation but every little bit of counts even in the early days. As you continue to add value in your industry through your posts, you’ll soon have the stellar reputation that leads to much higher traffic and sales.