Business 2.0 reminded me that has been down for the entire month of September, something I knew about a few weeks back, but never guessed it would be down this long.
Checking Your Reputation
A problem that we see a lot of companies facing, especially with the pace that information spreads on the web, is that they can’t seem to keep track of how they are being viewed outside of their company. Business Logs and 9rules, Inc. didn’t have this problem a few months back for we were still under people’s radars so it was fairly easy to see what people thought of us. Fortunately we are starting to attract more opinions about our business and surprisingly (well okay, not really) some of the stuff we find is very different than what we thought we were like.
You Must Have A Blog Says Juicy Fruit
The title is fitting considering that I posted A Case Against Small Business Blogging, but it is well-deserved after you see Juicy Fruit’s blog (hat tip: Blogspotting). Actually, it is tough to even call whatever that is a blog and it shows that we have hit a point in the technology cycle where everyone feels they need a blog, but are unsure what purpose a blog serves.
A Case Against Small Business Blogging
The genius team over at Particle Tree have written a great article titled An Argument For Small Business Blogging. Again, it’s a great article, but what bothered me about it is the same thing that bothers me with other articles like this. It’s written with the mindset that every company should blog.
Minty Fresh Mint, Now Available
Shaun Inman’s statistical brainchild, Mint, is now live. He (unfortunately) never shot a demo version my way, so this is my first time playing with it and I have to say it’s exactly what I thought it would be, and a lot more. It’s very cool, and I hope he makes a mint from sales 😉