I don’t usually post on Sundays especially during NFL season 🙂 I’ve pretty much obsessed with American football and today has a lot of big games.
However, I have this simple but effective blogging tip that just came to me and it shouldn’t take too long to write.
Getting writer’s block while you’re in the middle of writing a blog post can be frustrating. You started with a great idea and you’ve knocked out a couple of paragraphs. However, somewhere during the writing process you get stuck and can’t think of anything else to write. Still, you know the post is incomplete.
If this happens to you, try taking a break. Take a tea break, coffee break, or whatever kind of break you like to take. Basically, step away from the keyboard for a couple minutes and don’t think about your post.
When your break is done, you’ll usually have new inspiration to complete your blog post or at least, improve on it.
This tactic seems counter intuitive but it actually works because it allows your subconscious “to work on the post”. Let’s face it, much of our great post ideas come from seemingly random flashes of insight when were not even thinking about blogging.
You can focus too closely on your post that it becomes hard to think creatively (or “outside the box”). However, by taking a break, you can often jar your brain into a new perspective that leads to great ideas to add to your blog post.
Also, it can be hard to see the big picture of where your post should be going. This is especially true for longer posts. While you’re trying to get that one sentence just right, you may be losing the big picture. Oftentimes, a break is just what is needed to get that big picture perspective again.
This principle works with longer breaks too. Some of my best work has come from half-written blog posts that I didn’t look at for days – even weeks. But when I finally looked over the posts again, I was able to turn them into high quality posts.