Ben at interviewed me about life as a post-college entrepreneur. I’m not sure if all of you know this, but last Spring I was still in college 😉
Check it out!
Helping companies communicate better
Ben at interviewed me about life as a post-college entrepreneur. I’m not sure if all of you know this, but last Spring I was still in college 😉
Check it out!
Jeremy Wright posted an entry the other day titled, “Web 2.0 Companies Need To Scale” where he talked about how infrastructure scalability is sometimes not written into the plans of new “web 2.0” companies and I agree. He then continues to talk about how executives at companies want 3 or 5 9’s of uptime (99.999% uptime) but aren’t willing, or aren’t aware of, the massive cost at each step of the way. I thought his article definitely needed to be written, and kudos goes out to Jeremy for having the foresight and cojones to actually write it! Oddly though, that article has been under fire for a day or so now and I think some of what Jeremy is saying has been misinterpreted.
Paul often tells me the CSS I write tends to look like complicated C code, and for the most part, I’d agree. The stylesheets I usually produce rely almost exclusively on descendant selectors which let me pinpoint <div>
‘s, headings, and other tags in a very precise manner for styling. In this entry I’ll talk about my theories behind XHTML and CSS code, practices I feel are better than others, and my thoughts on image replacement.
OMFG there’s a new movie coming out called “The Flock” and it’s totally going to be Movies 2.0. Forget everything you know about Movies 1.0, 2.0 is the next logical step and it’s going to be amazing. It will do everything you want, everything you need, and lots of stuff you didn’t realize you wanted or needed. W00t!!!!
As I’m sure you all know, Firefox v1.5 has been officially released and is available for download. Got a G5 processor? Check out this page to download a G5-optimized version of the Fox that is a bit faster. You would think all is gravy in Mozilla-land, but that is definitely not the case.