Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks NBA team has a weblog. In it, he writes (not ghostwrites like other executives may be compelled to do) about real subjects that pertain to his life, his basketball franchise, and other things that Mavs fans would love to read about. The coolest thing about Cuban’s weblog is that he leaves the comments open so he can hear what the Mavericks’ fanbase thinks of his decisions and opinion — an absolutely brilliant decision in my mind.
The NBA held its opening night on election night last Tuesday, a dumb move because Cuban thought (correctly, I might add) that the kickoff games would get zero TV coverage the day after the election. So Cuban decided to inform his readers of his opinion on his weblog, and the NBA fined him for this. That’s right everyone, the NBA fined Mark Cuban because of a weblog entry he wrote.
I think that the NBA shows its weakness by doing this; an organization that cannot accept constructive criticism doesn’t seem like much of a well-managed organization to me.
But then again, I’m blown away at how far the weblog medium has come.